Reading Für jede Lösung ein Problem Books For Free

Reading Für jede Lösung ein Problem  Books For Free
Für jede Lösung ein Problem Paperback | Pages: 300 pages
Rating: 3.79 | 3309 Users | 239 Reviews

Describe Books Conducive To Für jede Lösung ein Problem

Original Title: Für jede Lösung ein Problem
ISBN: 3404156145 (ISBN13: 9783404156146)
Edition Language: German
Setting: Germany

Relation As Books Für jede Lösung ein Problem

Gerri schreibt Abschiedsbriefe an alle, die sie kennt, und sie geht nicht gerade zimperlich mit der Wahrheit um. Nur dummerweise klappt es dann nicht mit den Schlaftabletten und dem Wodka - und Gerris Leben wird von einem Tag auf den anderen so richtig spannend. Denn es ist nicht einfach, mit seinen Mitmenschen klarzukommen, wenn sie wissen, was man wirklich von ihnen hält!

Details Containing Books Für jede Lösung ein Problem

Title:Für jede Lösung ein Problem
Author:Kerstin Gier
Book Format:Paperback
Book Edition:Deluxe Edition
Pages:Pages: 300 pages
Published:2006 by Bastei Lübbe
Categories:Womens Fiction. Chick Lit. Romance. Humor. Contemporary. European Literature. German Literature

Rating Containing Books Für jede Lösung ein Problem
Ratings: 3.79 From 3309 Users | 239 Reviews

Write-Up Containing Books Für jede Lösung ein Problem
I told my coworkers, "I just read a comedy about suicide," and now they think I'm nuts. But this is hilarious! I had to keep reminding myself that this is set in Germany because the feel of it is very much New jersey. It makes me wonder how much I missed out on when I lived in Germany back in the 80s because I couldn't speak the language. These people could be my family.The only problem I had with it was I wanted the main character to stand up to her overbearing family more, but that's a small

Loved it!The romance portion of this book doesn't happen until almost the very end, but it was a great read getting there.

NEED more Kerstin Gier in English. Who knows German and wants to be my personal translator?! ;)

The perfect mixture of serious and fun.

Totally unmemorable chick-lit, that I will never re-read in my entire life. I am honestly so amazed that Gier wrote so much trash fiction for adults. :D

For those who only looked at the book synopsis you may think this would be your typical chick lit style novel. You would be wrong. This novel written by Kerstin Gier is more like a black comedy chick lit novel. The main character in this novel, Gerri, is single and writes for a popular romantic German series. However, she is constantly being forced to lie about what she does due to her parents being ashamed of her career and her singleness. Also when she compares herself to her friends and


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