Books Free Download In His Arms Online

Books Free Download In His Arms  Online
In His Arms Hardcover | Pages: 245 pages
Rating: 3.31 | 211 Users | 23 Reviews

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Title:In His Arms
Author:Camille Laurens
Book Format:Hardcover
Book Edition:Anniversary Edition
Pages:Pages: 245 pages
Published:April 6th 2004 by Random House (first published 2000)
Categories:Cultural. France. Fiction. European Literature. French Literature

Representaion Supposing Books In His Arms

An international bestseller translated into twelve languages and the winner of France’s prestigious Prix Femina

Our narrator, Camille, loves men. One might say she’s obsessed with them. The latest object of her affection is a psychiatrist, and what better way to seduce a psychiatrist than by laying bare the intricacies of her own mind? Camille becomes his patient, and slowly unveils her romantic, sexual, and psychological secrets by telling the story of her life through the men she has known: father, teacher, lover, letch; husband, brother, boss, and friend.

In His Arms was a phenomenon in France, where it became an obsessive topic of conversation among women of all ages. In the tradition of Marguerite Duras’s The Lover and Susan Minot’s Rapture, it is a stylish, sensual novel about love in all its guises—first love and married love; secret love; adulterous love; frenzied, embarrassed, speechless love—and the story of Camille’s last conquest, one made not by hiding or distorting who she is but by revealing everything.

List Books In Pursuance Of In His Arms

Original Title: Dans ces bras-là
ISBN: 0375506527 (ISBN13: 9780375506529)
Edition Language: English
Literary Awards: Prix Femina (2000), Prix Renaudot des lycéens (2000)

Rating Based On Books In His Arms
Ratings: 3.31 From 211 Users | 23 Reviews

Comment On Based On Books In His Arms
Camille Laurens sur les hommes qu'elle décrit dans son livre..Elle ne va pas à leur rencontre, du moins pas comme on pourrait croire. Elle ne fond pas sur eux pour les capter, les saisir, leur parler. Elle les regarde. Elle se replit de leur iamge comme un lac du reflet d'un ciel. Elle les maintient d'abord dans cette distance qui permet de les réfléchir. Les hommes restent donc là longtemps, en

I liked her book "Who you think I am" quite a bit, but this one had no plot and was just boring. I'm sure there were very insightful things in it, but I missed them because it was a chore to read. I persevered waiting for it all to come together, but it never did (in my opinion).

Life doesn't have to be this complicated. Make better choices to start with and you'll have fewer problems later, lady.

Túto knihu som prvýkrát prečítala pred dobrými desiatimi rokmi a odvtedy ju v sebe nosím, pamätám si z nej prekvapujúco veľa citátov, formulácií a najmä ten pocit, ktorý som mala pri jej čítaní... po prečítaní sa mi na roky stratila z dohľadu a až teraz som ju konečne zohnala v jednom pražskom antikvariáte. Začala som ju opäť čítať s obavami, či moje očakávania spred rokov nebudú sklamané, či o niečo neprídem, či spomienka na prečítané nie je silnejšia ako kniha samotná... ale nie, je to ona,

dosť bezútešný pocit byť ženou...v náručí mužov

3.5I liked the theme of the book and think it was beautifully written. I am feeling though, that there's just something off with her writing skills.

Quel délicat écrin relationnel que ce petit bouquin... un récit fluide, poétique, parfois violent dans ce qu'il donne à entrevoir, et nous ramène à cette curieuse attirance pour l'autre.Je m'y suis sentie comme dans ces bras-là.


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