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Original Title: La mano de Fátima
ISBN: 0307476065 (ISBN13: 9780307476067)
Edition Language: Spanish
Characters: Hernando Ruíz, Fátima
Literary Awards: Premio Roma for International Literature (2010)
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La mano de Fátima Paperback | Pages: 960 pages
Rating: 3.89 | 5997 Users | 398 Reviews

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Title:La mano de Fátima
Author:Ildefonso Falcones
Book Format:Paperback
Book Edition:First Edition
Pages:Pages: 960 pages
Published:August 18th 2009 by Knopf Doubleday (first published 2009)
Categories:Historical. Historical Fiction. Fiction. Cultural. Spain. European Literature. Spanish Literature. Religion. Novels

Explanation In Favor Of Books La mano de Fátima

La apasionante historia de un joven atrapado entre dos religiones y dos amores, en busca de su libertad y la de su pueblo

España, segunda mitad del siglo XVI: hace más de medio siglo que ha desaparecido el último reino musulmán de la península, el de Granada. Los musulmanes, cuya presencia tenía ochocientos años de antigüedad, se ven convertidos en una minoría oprimida económicamente y humillada en sus costumbres y religión, que incluso son obligados a abandonar.

Hartos de tanta injusticia, los moriscos, que es como se llamaba a los musulmanes españoles, se alzan en los montes de Granada contra los cristianos y emprenden una lucha desigual. Entre los sublevados está Hernando, hijo de una morisca y del sacerdote que la había violado; ello hace que sea rechazado, tanto por los suyos debido a su origen, como por los cristianos, por la cultura y costumbres de su madre. Hernando busca libertad y respeto, pero se encuentra con la brutalidad de unos y otros. También descubre el amor, en la persona de la valerosa Fátima, la de los hermosos ojos negros.

Tras la derrota de la insurrección, Hernando es deportado a la ciudad de Córdoba, la hermosa ciudad que aún conserva el legado de su pasado árabe. En ella Hernando intenta comenzar una nueva vida, que será una nueva etapa en la lucha por la tolerancia y la concordia entre las dos culturas.

El autor de La catedral del mar vuelve con una trepidante novela con las mismas claves que llevaron al éxito a la primera: fidelidad histórica entrecruzada con un conmovedor relato de amor y odio, de ilusiones perdidas y esperanzas que dan sentido a la vida y la lanzan por los caminos de la aventura.

Rating Based On Books La mano de Fátima
Ratings: 3.89 From 5997 Users | 398 Reviews

Column Based On Books La mano de Fátima
I had to stop at one third of the book. It wasn't really because the book is bad, but I just couldn't go on reading it because it's somehow made me feel sad and depressed. The main character in this book had so many bad things happened to him, and I felt after 300 pages (the book is about 900 pages) I just couldn't take it anymore. I'm sorry, but I'd rather read books that made me feel hopeful. It's just a matter of preference.What I liked about this book is the detail on 15th century Spain. The

I read this book upon my return from a trip to Granada because of my interest in learning more about the Moors in Spain, and it served that purpose well. However, that purpose alone did not warrant the 961 pages of this book. As a novel, the book was much less satisfying. It simply tried to do far too much (hence the length): educating the reader about historical events and religious conflicts, telling a story about the boy Hernando and his love for the beautiful Fatima, telling another story

Set in 16th century Spain, this is an intriguing novel that follows the life of a young man who is of mixed Christian and Morisco parentage at a time when Christians are persecuting the Muslim Moriscos. He faces prejudice from both groups for being mixed race, yet at the same time, both communities want him to choose their side - clearly an impossible situation which generates a lot of tension and makes the reader feel great sympathy for a man simply trying to survive and avoid the attentions of

That book astounded me!! I was bored reading it at first with its 900+ pages but as the events kept on escalating I just fell in love with it. It introduced me to a part of the Islamic history that I know a little off. A piece of that part was dull and discomforting knowing about the atrocities committed by Muslims in such a period. But again I felt even more discomforted about how violently the Muslims of that period (The Moors) were treated, murdered or even expelled out of their own lands

I am speechless. Utterly and absolutely at loss for words. I feel like this book was a missing piece in my life. Might sound a bit overrated, but let me explain. The historical accuracy and intricacy that Falcones uses while writing this book is astounding. I couldn't help but keep interrupting my reading to look more deeply into the events and laws and figures and architecture he presented interwoven into the story. The story encouraged me to embark on a journey to reach a more deep

I actually hadn't reached the 400 pages when I gave up. It's not that I hated it, it's just that it was sooooo boring and soooo long! It made me give up reading a book, which I hadn't done for, I guess, more than a decade! I have so many nice books in my "To Read" shelf, I couldn't bear to continue putting them off in exchange for this. While I appreciate all the research that went into this book, and I actually managed to learn something about the lives of Muslims in the Iberian Peninsula,

La Mano de Fatima is beautifully written historical fiction concerning Spanish and European history in the Sixteenth Century. The virtuosity of the novelist can be seen by how complex characters are rendered easy to read and follow in a thousand page tome. The protagonists are Hernando, a mixed breed Andalusi Muslim/Spanish Christian (historically categorized as New Christian/Old Christian to distinguish the Catholic Castillians from the forced conversion Sepahardic Jews and Morisco Muslims who


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