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Original Title: In Our Mothers' House
ISBN: 039925076X (ISBN13: 9780399250767)
Edition Language: English
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In Our Mothers' House Hardcover | Pages: 48 pages
Rating: 4.3 | 1193 Users | 302 Reviews

Define Epithetical Books In Our Mothers' House

Title:In Our Mothers' House
Author:Patricia Polacco
Book Format:Hardcover
Book Edition:First Edition
Pages:Pages: 48 pages
Published:April 30th 2009 by Philomel Books
Categories:Childrens. Picture Books. LGBT. Family. Parenting. Adoption

Explanation To Books In Our Mothers' House

Marmee, Meema, and the kids are just like any other family on the block. In their beautiful house, they cook dinner together, they laugh together, and they dance together. But some of the other families don't accept them. They say they are different. How can a family have two moms and no dad? But Marmee and Meema's house is full of love. And they teach their children that different doesn't mean wrong. And no matter how many moms or dads they have, they are everything a family is meant to be. Here is a true Polacco story of a family, living by their own rules, and the strength they gain by the love they feel.

Rating Epithetical Books In Our Mothers' House
Ratings: 4.3 From 1193 Users | 302 Reviews

Judgment Epithetical Books In Our Mothers' House
This is a great book for teaching about different family structures! This story incorporates adoption, same-sex marriage, and different races all into one family, and it is an incredible story! There are moments where the family is discriminated against because they are not a "normal" family, but in these moments their community comes together to support and accept them. I think this is a great book to use in both lower and elementary classes because it teaches about acceptance, community,

In the back of the book in the author biography section (where I finally see a photo of her) it reveals that Polacco wrote this book specifically for children she met during her speaking engagements at schools, children from untraditional families, because she saw the need for a book such as this. I concur, and I think she did a remarkable job with it. The fictional family she writes about here are residents of Berkeley, California. Im sure there are plenty of books with this subject matter but

*Updated review.In Our Mothers HousePolacco, P. (2009). In our mothers house. New York, NY: Philomel Books.Genre: Childrens Picture Storybook Polacco stepped aside from her usual books based on personal experiences and heritage to write a book for children and families that she has met in schools, at speaking engagements, etc. In Our Mothers House is the story of three adopted children and the love and devotion they received from their two mothers in their mothers' house. Polaccos story

REALISTIC FICTION: This book was resticted in a Utah School District because the book is about a Lesbian family. ( The book starts out explaining how Marmee and Meema adopted their oldest child, an African-American girl. It illustrates how they fill their home with love and care for their children. I would love to use this book in my classroom because it shows that no matter what your family looks like, your home can be filled with love. This would be a

So beautiful, and it covers so many topicsadoption, gay parents, grandparents, racial diversity, how to handle people who treat you badly. It's a little long and wordy for small children, but for kids who relate, it would probably be fantastic.

At first glance of this book, you might not notice anything different. Take a closer look and you will see In Our Mother's House is about a family with two mothers raising three young adopted children. Written and illustrated by Patricia Polacco, this realistic story takes you through a modern families journey. From raising adopted infants to marrying off all three of their children, this incredibly realistic story can pull at your heart strings. The two main characters, lovingly known as Marmee

This story is absolutely heart warming. It deals with two qualities of unconventional families. Same-sex parents and adoption. There could not be more love in this family. I believe this story is a creation of Polacco's reaction to hearing a 4th grader begin to talk about her family to her class. She was told to sit down because her family wasn't a real family. I am so glad Polacco took on the responsibility to tell the world that these ARE real families with real love and real issues. I am so


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