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Texas Paperback | Pages: 1472 pages
Rating: 4.09 | 16633 Users | 405 Reviews

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Author:James A. Michener
Book Format:Paperback
Book Edition:Anniversary Edition
Pages:Pages: 1472 pages
Published:November 12th 2002 by Dial Press Trade Paperback (first published January 1st 1985)
Categories:Historical. Historical Fiction. Fiction

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Spanning four and a half centuries, James A. Michener’s monumental saga chronicles the epic history of Texas, from its Spanish roots in the age of the conquistadors to its current reputation as one of America’s most affluent, diverse, and provocative states. Among his finely drawn cast of characters, emotional and political alliances are made and broken, as the loyalties established over the course of each turbulent age inevitably collapse under the weight of wealth and industry. With Michener as our guide, Texas is a tale of patriotism and statesmanship, growth and development, violence and betrayal—a stunning achievement by a literary master.
Praise for Texas
“A book about oil and water, rangers and outlaws, frontier and settlement, money and power . . . [James A. Michener] manages to make history vivid.”The Boston Globe
“A sweeping panorama . . . [Michener] grapples earnestly with the Texas character in a way that Texas’s own writers often don’t.”The Washington Post Book World
“Vast, sprawling, and eclectic in population and geography, the state has just the sort of larger-than-life history that lends itself to Mr. Michener’s taste for multigenerational epics.”The New York Times

Specify Books As Texas

Original Title: Texas
ISBN: 0375761411 (ISBN13: 9780375761416)
Setting: Texas(United States)

Rating Containing Books Texas
Ratings: 4.09 From 16633 Users | 405 Reviews

Crit Containing Books Texas
As a lover of historical fiction, I knew I would love this book. And, I was not disappointed. I loved how Michener set up this story--a task force has been selected to research the curriculum that will be taught to schoolchildren regarding Texas history, and the history is told through the stories of their families (not the heroes--despite them being mentioned as well). Michener's research in the affairs of Texas is astounding, and his writing was brilliant throughout. The earlier characters are

Texas, James A. Michener, 1985, 1096 pp. ISBN 0394541545Fictionalized history of Texas, 1535 through 1984.No likeable characters.Michener writes with worshipful admiration of men who steal, defraud, and murder, in pursuit of their own freedom to do as they will, to others cost. (p. 276, 648649)Men who casually steal their neighbors cattle, then murder those neighbors who return the favor. The heirs of wealth gained by theft, murder, fraud, and corruption are here at the end of the story. They

DNF at 40%. I'd been "reading" it for a year and could not find it enjoyable and rarely found time to chew on it. Unfortunately. So I'm going to call it quits.

Very good. Great for getting an understanding of Texas politics and culture. The stories kept me coming back. Using a fictional committee made up of various Texas citizens to tie the chapters together, Michener covers Texas history from the first Spanish explorers through 1984. I enjoyed the stories of how settlers from various came to Texas and added their culture to the mix. I really appreciated the list at the beginning of the book that I could refer to while reading each chapter. That list

Again a tale of men (mostly) at their most heroic, resilient, and innovative and also at their most ignoble, unreasonable, greedy and grasping and (brutally) intolerant as it provides a broad pageant of history of what is now Texas... The framing device of the task force is again Mr Michener at his most inspired and serves to create a viable lens for the stories of the Lone Star state down the ages - from the first Spanish settlements, the Americans' arrival, war and Independence, the Civil War,

Finished! This is well worth the time it takes to read it and I especially loved reading about so many places I recognise. I think one huge omission was a chapter about the space program, but still a great read.

Kind of hard to get through. Very dense stuff. There are some jewels in here, and the way he choose to structure the book is very interesting: the story within the story.Well, after about 2 years I have finally managed to complete this one.The first third was very hard to get through (remember that the entire book was over 1300 pages). The middle part was really pretty good and enjoyable. The last third was just OK. I read the final two thirds in 4 months. However, I only read it here and there


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